Friday, December 30, 2016

Made +830.75 Total ES for 2016 or 415%



every 200 points is 100% return .. so the return was 415% on portfolio

12 Surprises for 2017

10 Surprises for 2017

Surprise No 1: Retail Robotic Agents

All jobs are at risk for robotic integration over the next 10 years. Retail jobs are at highest risk because stores will try to find a cheap way to replace high labor costs. Supermarkets, Malls, Hotel bag handlers, or Cruise ships all will utilize these robots to help humans in there every day life. This is a MASSIVE game changer.  High unemployment will come from this disruptive market product. People will hate the machines. The machines will perform more efficient and cost cheaper than humans. Federal imposed minimum wage will force stores to find other ways of saving money.

Surprise No 2: Drones Take over

Drones will wage war against UPS, USPS and Fed-Ex. Delivery companies are a risk for this disruptive Force. Maybe all of these companies will have drone programs. Imagine in New York millions of packages flying through the sky on a sky lane. Just millions of dots in the air moving. All targeting a Phone's GPS of a person moving around the city. This is another massive game changer technology. Packages will be delivered very quickly and little hassle. Possibly even cheaper with amazon distribution centers on each part of the map.

Surprise No 3: Autonomous car

The Autonomous car will be the next major shift for automobiles. Cars driving themselves all over the planet will be a massive change of how humans will transport. These cars uses lasers, sensors, GPS and cameras to guide its way through busy traffic. AI algorithms are now able to mimic the actual driver behavior and this will be the next generation for cars. The driver-less car will take you to work and then drive home by itself or go wait for you at a rest stop. It it will come back and pick you up and take you home. It may even wait for you in a queue in front of your building. I can visualize a Benz waiting for a CEO outside and he steps in and home he goes to the Hamptons. 

Surprise No 4: Insurance Auto Companies will die!

GEICO, Statefarm, Farmers, All State and Liberty insurance are all at risk of the driver-less car. The responsibility of insuring risk while driving will move to the manufacturer of the automobile. People don't need to be insured because the car has to take the blame if something happens with the AI. These premiums collected by insurance companies will dwindle and many big insurance companies will have to be re-valued. Blame will go back to TESLA, GM, FORD, Mercedes if anything bad happens while driving the car because the computer AI is the blame. Human's don't need to be insured unless they are manually driving the car. This may force people to stop driving and allow the Autonomous car to lead the way for the future.

Surprise No 5: Taxis/Uber become Autonomous

Social sharing and uber sharing will also be the big thing in transportation. The taxi system will be fully autonomous based on demand for a certain path. You could hop from car to car to get to a certain destination and pay a small fee by carpooling between multiple uber cars to get to your destination. It could integrate into Buses, Trains and all types of connections. This is good for the consumer because travel will be cheaper and way more efficient. This is a trillion dollar industry.

Surprise No 6: Short Central Banks 

The deficit of the world has expanded to levels beyond control. The minimum payment on the credit card is a huge percentage of our GDP. All central banks have been printing money like there is no tomorrow to try to stimulate the world economy for growth. This has lead the future to become a very unstable and uncertain place. Japan is on the brink of a currency collapse because they have lost control over central banking. If US, and Japan increase interest rates it will force higher payments on the interest and will force the economy to struggle to grow. The debt is just simply out of hand and all money needs to be re-valued. Central banks may have a huge melt down and Gold will be the safe haven. Europe and US leaders have made many mistakes on the future of monetary policy. It may be too late to save the system. Japan might be the first shoe to drop, which cascades (via carry trade) to other currencies. This may begin next year. Central banks have all declared war against paper currencies.

Surprise No 7 : Electric Airplanes

I see a future where electric based airplanes will be cheap and accessible to the average person. Air blimps will make a return for transportation of packages and other uses. This is a new change to the airline industry and will be a massive change of how people move around the world. Some people will shun commercial travel.

Surprise No 8 : Electronic Human Transports Enablers

The electronic bike, Folding bikes, Seagways and Hoverboards are all the new shift to humans using technology to move around the city. These enablers will help humans move faster than a human running but not faster than a car. IT will help people to get things done quickly by using them to work etc. This new shift will continue to expand in 2016. I see people already all over with the hoverboards. The folding electronic bike will be a game changer if ever created. Governments will have to update laws.

Surprise No 9 : Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality. This is the next big thing to bridge Virtual Reality with Reality.
Semi realistic objects in space matched with real GPS locations have created a craze. Games like Pokemon took over big time. This is the future of technology and lots of venture money has entered this space. Still no real products has hit the market as of yet but its coming and its going to be huge. People will be shopping, living, partying in both reality and augmented reality. This is clearly some sci-fi stuff....  I Wish I could enter this space with a product... Products like Samsung VR, Oculus, Google glass revamp... are all tools to enter this new world.

Surprise No 10 : Flying Drones as Aircrafts

A new drone I saw where it can hold up a person makes me think that the future will have objects that carry people all over the city as transport sentinels. I think that flying drones that can transport people can be a major change in how people move from location to location. Imagine a fleet of drone taxi's flying people all over New york city during the day for food, work and exercise.. Even partying.. This is an amazing idea that will be the future.

Surprise No 11 : SHORT Central Banks and ZIRP

A I think because the debt levels are so high eventually all central banks will have to re-value their currencies to some type of world basket currency (SDR).  The debt levels in the world are at extreme levels. The base currency will become gold and those who have it are going to come out ahead of the rest of nations.

Surprise No 12 : SHORT Donald Trump

The late year rally in the markets has many investors bullish about the future world prospects. There is a chance that the hype behind Donald trump may be a total bust. His policies might end up creating trade wars and it pushes the US into a recession. This could happen under trump's emotional behavior and bold moves against other countries. We may end up in a real war or a trade war. But some type of war could be created by trump. The market will be volitile under trump for sure..

11 Surprises for 2016 - Recap


11 Surprises for 2016

Surprise No 1: Low oil is here to stay
 We will now head down to the 20s as oil has a massive capitulation. We have many firms in the Junk bond market close to bankruptcy. Many of them are so in the red that I expect early next year you will hear them falling like dominoes. This may in fact push oil even lower as massive liquidation of ETF based funds like Third point capital, and fear grip the industry. After the meltdown oil should find a bottom and bounce for a while. The low on oil will be in the high teens. The Saudis are trying to bankrupt the US companies.


Totally wrong! - The supply and demand of oil became bullish after the Saudi's cut production after oil had made a nice move up. More wells became offline and the short term oil dried up... Oil may hit 70 in 2017.....

Surprise No 2: AMAZON business model take over the web

The low cost producer and low cost seller business model that COSTCO, Walmart and Target all use. Retail malls days are numbered. High quantity and lowest price will eventually take over the whole web. Competition is fierce online. This is good for consumers in the end. Brand name price competition is also going to be a big thing. High class brands will have a bidding war online for the lowest price point for that luxury brand. Amazon business model will translate into other parts of the economy where high margins are an endangered species. All products are a risk for Amazon's monopolistic behavior for world domination.

Correct! - Walmart started closing stores early and everyone sells online. Macy's closed allot of stores to sell online too. Online is the equal comparative. This is the new trend. Sell online and deliver to your home or store.

Surprise No 3: Retail Robotic Agents

All jobs are at risk for robotic integration over the next 10 years. Retail jobs are at highest risk because stores will try to find a cheap way to replace high labor costs. Supermarkets, Malls, Hotel bag handlers, or Cruise ships all will utilize these robots to help humans in there every day life. This is a MASSIVE game changer.  High unemployment will come from this disruptive market product. People will hate the machines. The machines will perform more efficient and cost cheaper than humans. Federal imposed minimum wage will force stores to find other ways of saving money.

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 4: Drones Take over

Drones will wage war against UPS, USPS and Fed-Ex. Delivery companies are a risk for this disruptive Force. Maybe all of these companies will have drone programs. Imagine in New York millions of packages flying through the sky on a sky lane. Just millions of dots in the air moving. All targeting a Phone's GPS of a person moving around the city. This is another massive game changer technology. Packages will be delivered very quickly and little hassle. Possibly even cheaper with amazon distribution centers on each part of the map.

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017.. but much evidence after GO-Pro released a drone this year.. Many people have become hobbyists and the drone world has turned into a market for consumers.

Surprise No 5: China's Economic Change and  Recovery

I think china will recover as the economy will move to a consumer based economy from a commodity based economy. This will help revive the whole economy as billions of people will move to the middle class lifestyle. They will then begin to use allot of resources which in essence revive the commodity demand from china. US and brazil will benefit as well as all commodity producing nations. USA has been hit hard with coal and metals. This will give a boost to the strongest companies over the next 10 years to enter into a bull market. China is the new market that will drive the world for the next 100 years.  Disney's ceo said everything is fine in china from the consumer end. Their new theme park is about to open and they are very excited about the venture. Brazil recession may come to an end by end of 2016.

Correct! - China held up and the stock market opened and rallied back to where it opened. China did not crash.

Surprise No 6: Autonomous car

The Autonomous car will be the next major shift for automobiles. Cars driving themselves all over the planet will be a massive change of how humans will transport. These cars uses lasers, sensors, GPS and cameras to guide its way through busy traffic. AI algorithms are now able to mimic the actual driver behavior and this will be the next generation for cars. The driver-less car will take you to work and then drive home by itself or go wait for you at a rest stop. It it will come back and pick you up and take you home. It may even wait for you in a queue in front of your building. I can visualize a Benz waiting for a CEO outside and he steps in and home he goes to the Hamptons. 

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 7: Insurance Auto Companies will die!

GEICO, Statefarm, Farmers, All State and Liberty insurance are all at risk of the driver-less car. The responsibility of insuring risk while driving will move to the manufacturer of the automobile. People don't need to be insured because the car has to take the blame if something happens with the AI. These premiums collected by insurance companies will dwindle and many big insurance companies will have to be re-valued. Blame will go back to TESLA, GM, FORD, Mercedes if anything bad happens while driving the car because the computer AI is the blame. Human's don't need to be insured unless they are manually driving the car. This may force people to stop driving and allow the Autonomous car to lead the way for the future.

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 8: Taxis/Uber become Autonomous

Social sharing and uber sharing will also be the big thing in transportation. The taxi system will be fully autonomous based on demand for a certain path. You could hop from car to car to get to a certain destination and pay a small fee by carpooling between multiple uber cars to get to your destination. It could integrate into Buses, Trains and all types of connections. This is good for the consumer because travel will be cheaper and way more efficient. This is a trillion dollar industry.

 Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 9: Short Central Banks 

The deficit of the world has expanded to levels beyond control. The minimum payment on the credit card is a huge percentage of our GDP. All central banks have been printing money like there is no tomorrow to try to stimulate the world economy for growth. This has lead the future to become a very unstable and uncertain place. Japan is on the brink of a currency collapse because they have lost control over central banking. If US, and Japan increase interest rates it will force higher payments on the interest and will force the economy to struggle to grow. The debt is just simply out of hand and all money needs to be re-valued. Central banks may have a huge melt down and Gold will be the safe haven. Europe and US leaders have made many mistakes on the future of monetary policy. It may be too late to save the system. Japan might be the first shoe to drop, which cascades (via carry trade) to other currencies. This may begin next year. Central banks have all declared war against paper currencies.

 Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 10 : Electric Airplanes

I see a future where electric based airplanes will be cheap and accessible to the average person. Air blimps will make a return for transportation of packages and other uses. This is a new change to the airline industry and will be a massive change of how people move around the world. Some people will shun commercial travel.

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017

Surprise No 11 : Electronic Human Transports Enablers

The electronic bike, Folding bikes, Seagways and Hoverboards are all the new shift to humans using technology to move around the city. These enablers will help humans move faster than a human running but not faster than a car. IT will help people to get things done quickly by using them to work etc. This new shift will continue to expand in 2016. I see people already all over with the hoverboards. The folding electronic bike will be a game changer if ever created. Governments will have to update laws.

Pushed to 2017! - I am too early on this one... we push it to 2017




Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Made 400% in 2015 trading Futures

Made 400% in 2015 trading Futures...

I turned 100K into almost 500K in just 3 months agressively trading S&P 500

Here is my actual statistics:

My 2016 Stock Market Projections

My 2016 Stock Market Projections

11 Surprises for 2016

11 Surprises for 2016

Surprise No 1: Low oil is here to stay
 We will now head down to the 20s as oil has a massive capitulation. We have many firms in the Junk bond market close to bankruptcy. Many of them are so in the red that I expect early next year you will hear them falling like dominoes. This may in fact push oil even lower as massive liquidation of ETF based funds like Third point capital, and fear grip the industry. After the meltdown oil should find a bottom and bounce for a while. The low on oil will be in the high teens. The Saudis are trying to bankrupt the US companies.

Surprise No 2: AMAZON business model take over the web

The low cost producer and low cost seller business model that COSTCO, Walmart and Target all use. Retail malls days are numbered. High quantity and lowest price will eventually take over the whole web. Competition is fierce online. This is good for consumers in the end. Brand name price competition is also going to be a big thing. High class brands will have a bidding war online for the lowest price point for that luxury brand. Amazon business model will translate into other parts of the economy where high margins are an endangered species. All products are a risk for Amazon's monopolistic behavior for world domination.

Surprise No 3: Retail Robotic Agents

All jobs are at risk for robotic integration over the next 10 years. Retail jobs are at highest risk because stores will try to find a cheap way to replace high labor costs. Supermarkets, Malls, Hotel bag handlers, or Cruise ships all will utilize these robots to help humans in there every day life. This is a MASSIVE game changer.  High unemployment will come from this disruptive market product. People will hate the machines. The machines will perform more efficient and cost cheaper than humans. Federal imposed minimum wage will force stores to find other ways of saving money.

Surprise No 4: Drones Take over

Drones will wage war against UPS, USPS and Fed-Ex. Delivery companies are a risk for this disruptive Force. Maybe all of these companies will have drone programs. Imagine in New York millions of packages flying through the sky on a sky lane. Just millions of dots in the air moving. All targeting a Phone's GPS of a person moving around the city. This is another massive game changer technology. Packages will be delivered very quickly and little hassle. Possibly even cheaper with amazon distribution centers on each part of the map.

Surprise No 5: China's Economic Change and  Recovery

I think china will recover as the economy will move to a consumer based economy from a commodity based economy. This will help revive the whole economy as billions of people will move to the middle class lifestyle. They will then begin to use allot of resources which in essence revive the commodity demand from china. US and brazil will benefit as well as all commodity producing nations. USA has been hit hard with coal and metals. This will give a boost to the strongest companies over the next 10 years to enter into a bull market. China is the new market that will drive the world for the next 100 years.  Disney's ceo said everything is fine in china from the consumer end. Their new theme park is about to open and they are very excited about the venture. Brazil recession may come to an end by end of 2016.

Surprise No 6: Autonomous car

The Autonomous car will be the next major shift for automobiles. Cars driving themselves all over the planet will be a massive change of how humans will transport. These cars uses lasers, sensors, GPS and cameras to guide its way through busy traffic. AI algorithms are now able to mimic the actual driver behavior and this will be the next generation for cars. The driver-less car will take you to work and then drive home by itself or go wait for you at a rest stop. It it will come back and pick you up and take you home. It may even wait for you in a queue in front of your building. I can visualize a Benz waiting for a CEO outside and he steps in and home he goes to the Hamptons. 

Surprise No 7: Insurance Auto Companies will die!

GEICO, Statefarm, Farmers, All State and Liberty insurance are all at risk of the driver-less car. The responsibility of insuring risk while driving will move to the manufacturer of the automobile. People don't need to be insured because the car has to take the blame if something happens with the AI. These premiums collected by insurance companies will dwindle and many big insurance companies will have to be re-valued. Blame will go back to TESLA, GM, FORD, Mercedes if anything bad happens while driving the car because the computer AI is the blame. Human's don't need to be insured unless they are manually driving the car. This may force people to stop driving and allow the Autonomous car to lead the way for the future.

Surprise No 8: Taxis/Uber become Autonomous

Social sharing and uber sharing will also be the big thing in transportation. The taxi system will be fully autonomous based on demand for a certain path. You could hop from car to car to get to a certain destination and pay a small fee by carpooling between multiple uber cars to get to your destination. It could integrate into Buses, Trains and all types of connections. This is good for the consumer because travel will be cheaper and way more efficient. This is a trillion dollar industry.

Surprise No 9: Short Central Banks 

The deficit of the world has expanded to levels beyond control. The minimum payment on the credit card is a huge percentage of our GDP. All central banks have been printing money like there is no tomorrow to try to stimulate the world economy for growth. This has lead the future to become a very unstable and uncertain place. Japan is on the brink of a currency collapse because they have lost control over central banking. If US, and Japan increase interest rates it will force higher payments on the interest and will force the economy to struggle to grow. The debt is just simply out of hand and all money needs to be re-valued. Central banks may have a huge melt down and Gold will be the safe haven. Europe and US leaders have made many mistakes on the future of monetary policy. It may be too late to save the system. Japan might be the first shoe to drop, which cascades (via carry trade) to other currencies. This may begin next year. Central banks have all declared war against paper currencies.

Surprise No 10 : Electric Airplanes

I see a future where electric based airplanes will be cheap and accessible to the average person. Air blimps will make a return for transportation of packages and other uses. This is a new change to the airline industry and will be a massive change of how people move around the world. Some people will shun commercial travel.

Surprise No 11 : Electronic Human Transports Enablers

The electronic bike, Folding bikes, Seagways and Hoverboards are all the new shift to humans using technology to move around the city. These enablers will help humans move faster than a human running but not faster than a car. IT will help people to get things done quickly by using them to work etc. This new shift will continue to expand in 2016. I see people already all over with the hoverboards. The folding electronic bike will be a game changer if ever created. Governments will have to update laws.