Monday, December 31, 2012

10 Surprises for 2013

10 Surprises for 2013

Marluv ( 10 surprises for 2012

December 31, 2012


The world market has 2 models that I believe will be the catalyst for higher prices in 2013.

Model 1:

The fiscal cliff is not resolved and a standoff ensues and you have profit taking in this market as investors square up position in early March. Generally too much is at stake for the Republicans to drop the ball on making a deal. If they do not compromise it will directly affect asset valuations across the board in all sectors.  I read somewhere that over 50% of wealthy individuals do want a tax increase but many are still fearful because the politicians run the government like a penny stock business.

The situation in Eurozone returns with France next on the chopping block and we have a spike in the USD/EUR which causes a massive selloff in Mar-May 2013. Europe recently adopted a new tax law that many businesses pay taxes in France more than they generally earn annually. France has introduced a tax on turnover on the stock exchange and on any transaction which means you are taxes twice if you were to buy and sell the same car. Higher taxes in Eurozone will force money away from Europe and it may end up either in South America, China or the United States. Higher taxes generally hurt profit margins and venture funding as money becomes tight and less liquid. 

The unemployment rate continues to rise because companies don’t want to take on the risk and we continue in this negative feedback loop of muddling along or kicking the can down the road.

Cramer recently claimed that Eurozone has absorbed allot of the bad paper and resold it as good value to investors. If this is such the case the situation in Europe may stabilize and this would predicate the next scenario.

Model 2:

The fiscal imbalance is resolved and current valuations stay in tack which creates an under belly that supports higher stock valuations and introduce speculation towards the end of the year. If the fiscal balance is resolved companies can now grow as well as investors can feel safe that the turbulent waters have calmed down.  This fosters the opportunity for new investors to enter the market and begin the speculative bubble for the next few years.  The worst has been behind us in 2008 and since then we have been slowly growing our way out of this mess. There have been so many pitfalls during the recovery due to so many variables that could not be quantified.  Sometimes the recovery was halted by mere ignorance to compromise from both parties.  If profit margins gradually rise and the government stays out of the pot we may be setting up for a major breakout in the S&P, Dow Jones and Russell 2000 towards the end of this year.  We will get higher P/Es on many great companies.

The housing market will be the catalysts as bank stocks rally. Financing returns and people begin to buy houses at a reasonably good rate. During this period of a housing bust many people have been accumulating in Manhattan as well as commercial investors. Real estate in New York has held up extremely well which means that it will take off when the housing market recovers around the rest of the country. This is good for current owners as we may see an incline in the property prices across the board. People may break even on their underwater homes in soft areas. Interest rates may begin to rise and the stock market will continue its ramp higher.

If we can contain our debt to GDP to around 10% America will be fine for another 10-15 years because our growth and innovation will curb the negatives of our economy. I continue to be an optimist on the United States as we always bounce back from major melt downs.

Oil prices may fall with the new supplies of oil found in the Bakken. The United States soon will produce more oil than is needed to import from Saudi Arabia. I sense with so many new oil wells becoming discovered all over the world the long term prospects for high oil prices may not occur. It’s a possibility oil may collapse (like natural gas) if too much supply comes into the market from Horizontal drilling operations. This may help equities if oil prices drop because oil is a tax on the consumer.

Finally, Bond coupons become attractive after a full year of stocks rallying and it’s probably the time to start to move into bonds in early 2014. Everything may begin to grow and the bullish talking heads return on CNBC on pumping stocks.



10 Surprises

Surprise No 1: Apple’s next product

Apple (AAPL) computer unveils apple TV and it tremendously adds to the stock’s valuation. I think this year selloff in apple was a good chance to buy apple for cheap. I still think apple will continue its ramp to the $700+ target. If model two occurs apple will easily hit $750->$800 per share. They are some concerns on apple’s future earnings stability but I still think we have one more year of Mobile growth in Smart phones, Tablets and Smart TVs. If America bounces back, the technology sector will continue to outperform the broad market. Apple is directly connected to the consumer and retail so it’s tied directly to the recovery.


Surprise No 2: Google’s new game changer

Google (GOOG) unveils its Project Glass and it revolutionizes the mobile world. Soon Samsung, Apple and Microsoft will unveil a similar product. This will be a game changer for mobile connectivity and the next generation for mobile platforms. This will tremendously give Google the edge and its stock will head to new highs. I still think Google will hit $800->$900 soon as these new technologies will continue to make the company a strong beast. Now many argue that the profit margins on Add impressions are dwindling and the company may have some head winds ahead. I feel this may be somewhat true but the industry and the market is so big they should continue to do fine for another year even thou I think the online advertising business model is a speculative bubble.

Project Glass

Surprise No 3: FB will recover

Facebook (FB) may actually feel the wind of more mobile growth and the stock actually heads higher. The investors who got killed during the IPO are able to recoup losses as the stock heads back to $40 per share. Ultimately, I think Facebook will get there advertising revenue up because they are still the 2nd most popular website in the world. They should increase earnings revenue and the stock should begin to rally and head to possibly a $100+ per share over the next 2 years. I think the massive sell off in Facebook was a great sale for long term holders. Although I was bearish during the IPO of Facebook I have changed my views because I feel the sector is so hot that even mediocre companies will still do okay for another year. The idea is a rising tide lifts all boats!!

Surprise No 4: Microsoft makes a bid for RIMM or AMAZON makes a bid for RIMM (Taken from 2011 Surprises)

Microsoft has experienced the lost decade just as the Japanese did because after Bill Gates left the company it was left with a poor creative leader Steve Ballmer. Bill Gates was the creative force behind Microsoft’s major leap in being a market pioneer in the technology sector. In the past 10 years apple came from way behind and took space from Microsoft by dominating the Mobile space. In early 2000 I remember Microsoft was the first in the Mobile space by unleashing Windows CE 1.0 and Pocket PC 1.0. For some odd reason the company did not put much quality in developing the new space properly and Apple came and gobbled it up like a turkey. Microsoft has had major problems transforming there business model to the CLOUD and is desperately trying to find new ways to innovate there business by launching Microsoft Synch, Bing and Windows Phone. The windows phone is way behind and needs population to grow. The only way to catch up with Android and IOS is by acquiring RIMM and there usage space.  If Microsoft does not acquire RIMM some other company will do so in the near future.

Amazon has also made an attempt to buy RIMM because they recently launched 3 versions of their E-book Reader. They need internet connectivity via 3G and 4G LTE and may look to acquire RIMM to help grow there space. RIMM made many mistakes and allow Apple and Android to eat up all there market space in the past decade. Amazon is trying to move into mobile information. The software business is a very turbulent business model.

Surprise No 5: AMAZON and online retailers must pay up in Taxes (Taken from 2011 Surprises)

Amazon continues to be the market leader for online shopping and is imposed with an online tax for out of state sales by many other states. The loop hole in online sales tax may begin to become a theme in congress to rebalance the economy local businesses by taxing online business with an internet federal flat tax. This is something online business dread but the internet is not some geek driven specialty product anymore. It is main stream and out of control. Many states will begin to impose taxes on internet commerce to help balance state wide budgets.

Amazon should continue to do well with the creation of their new Amazon Phone that will directly compete with Apple. Amazon is the number one market place for online retail. This gives it a great position in the industry.

Surprise No 6: Heavy 3D Gaming goes Mobile (Taken from 2011 Surprises)

I see major advances in hardware that online social gaming will become heavy in graphics and power. This may be the beginning of the Mobile 3D gaming world. Sony will possibly release a device for 4G LTE with heavy 3D capabilities as well as Microsoft and Nintendo. Apple and Android will also be the early leaders of this new space. N-Vidia will supply the technology for the graphics processors. The world will now transform from 3D heavy consoles to 3D heavy mobile devices.

I still think that this industry it’s about to blow up and become big in the next 2 years.

Surprise No 7: Electric cars take charge (Taken from 2011 Surprises)

I see a major bull market setting up for the electric car space. There will be a huge opportunity in the electric car space because we have so many new products coming to the table. The vehicles will be so valuable that auto makers and dealers will do very well in the years to come. These cars will be gobbled up by people who live in the cities. The automakers will struggle to keep up with demand for the electric cars they produce. This will be one of the legs that will help revitalize America in the next 10 years. This space is a huge goldmine. The Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius will be the leaders. 

Result: I was correct but due to more supply of oil found recently in America the change-over to other energy forms has slowed. This means that it will take longer for these new products to become main stream. In 2012 Tesla motors had a pretty good year with the release of its Model-S car.

Surprise No 8: Person to person mobile credit transactions.

With the invention of the new ways to transfer money via Square and Pay Anywhere for mobile to mobile money transfers I think this will continue to be a big thing for 2013. The user base may double in the next 12 months as more people will rely on credit to pay people and do business. By allowing people to become merchants and consumers at the same time it has allowed more borrowing and credit related charges for products and services. This is created a new market similar to Paypal in 1995 but for mobile computing and with the growth of mobile it should feel the wind of growth from the sector.

Surprise No 9: Ford does well

As ford borrowed special loans from the fed helped the company to grow its way out of bankruptcy. By having an all star CEO who has certainly showed he can lead a dying company back to life has given Ford great prospects for 2013. This stock may continue its way back up to $20 per share over the next 12 months. The auto industry is growing and US automakers have finally gotten their act together by actually competing using technology in their products against the Japanese and German automakers.

Surprise No 10: The airlines may rally as a long shot

I think the airlines have been beaten down so bad over the years we may get a nice rally in this sour sector for over 2 decades. The reason this sector has lagged and never resulted in a profit is because of high fuel costs curbed profit margins.  I think that with the recent discover of oil in the US we may actually see lower oil prices in the near future. We may also get some more consolidation in this industry. I think that if energy prices drop it will be good for this high risk sector.

Happy new year and may 2013 be fruitful.

RECAP 2012


Surprise No 1: The World stock market has 3 models that I believe will be the catalyst for higher prices in 2012.

The model is as such:

Model 1: The situation in Europe creates a massive panic and many countries are booted out. The Eurozone re-allocates itself to only the strong nations not before causing a massive crash in equities across the globe. The S&P will sell to 1000, Nasdaq 100 will sell below 2038 early next year and then a capitulated move will create a massive rally into the end of year. This situation can then transform into anyone of the next two models.

Model 2: The Job numbers stay in line with consensus and the market slowly grinds higher gaining a high of Nasdaq 100 – 2450 target. This will be the high for the year and we trade between that ranges during the course of the year.

Model 3: The Eurozone situation is contained and massive money printing creates another floor in equities and the market begins to rally due to inflation of the currency. The US economy begins to grow steadily and inflation stays low. The rally in equities move money out of bonds and the whole world goes into a massive rally. Emerging markets will be the biggest gainers. The target for this scenario is S&P 500 – 1520-1600 area.

Result: Model one came true as the markets sold off due to Europe’s problems in May 2012.  We then recovered but the massive rally I was expecting did not happen because the fiscal cliff became a concern towards the second half of 2012. This caused the market to consolidate towards the end of 2012 on pending new tax hikes on the wealthy.


Surprise No 2: Microsoft makes a bid for RIMM

Microsoft has experienced the lost decade just as the Japanese did because after Bill Gates left the company it was left with a poor creative leader Steve Ballmer. Bill Gates was the creative force behind Microsoft’s major leap in being a market pioneer in the technology sector. In the past 10 years apple came from way behind and took space from Microsoft by dominating the Mobile space. In early 2000 I remember Microsoft was the first in the Mobile space by unleashing Windows CE 1.0 and Pocket PC 1.0. For some odd reason the company did not put much quality in developing the new space properly and Apple came and gobbled it up like a turkey. Microsoft has had major problems transforming there business model to the CLOUD and is desperately trying to find new ways to innovate there business by launching Microsoft Synch, Bing and Windows Phone. The windows phone is way behind and needs population to grow. The only way to catch up with Android and IOS is by acquiring RIMM and there usage space.

Result: Microsoft did not make a bid for RIMM because they were busy pushing the windows Phone and the deal with Nokia has currently kept them at bay for another acquisition. Microsoft focused most of its energy on Windows 8 with Surface.  Yet it did not help the stock because the PC business is dying as more people move to the Tablet.

Surprise No 3: AMAZON makes a bid for RIMM

Amazon has made an attempt to buy RIMM because they recently launched 3 versions of their E-book Reader. They need internet connectivity via 3G and 4G LTE and may look to acquire RIMM to help grow there space. RIMM made many mistakes and allow Apple and Android to eat up all there market space in the past decade. Amazon is trying to move into mobile information. The software business is a very turbulent business model.

Result: This did not happen because Amazon is developing its own phone to compete with apple in 2013

Surprise No 4: AMAZON and online retailers must pay up in Taxes

Amazon continues to be the market leader for online shopping and is imposed with an online tax for out of state sales by many other states. The loop hole in online sales tax may begin to become a theme in congress to rebalance the economy local businesses by taxing online business with an internet federal flat tax. This is something online business dread but the internet is not some geek driven specialty product anymore. It is main stream and out of control. Many states will begin to impose taxes on internet commerce to help balance state wide budgets.

Result: Amazon charges local taxes to the closest state the distribution center was shipped from so some taxes are invoked due to distribution channels. This has curbed the internet flat tax for now but that doesn’t mean it will go away.

Surprise No 5: APPLE has a good year but this is the end

Apple continues its rise as people continue to support the product line but I seriously doubt apple will hit $1000 a share in the next 5 years. This is due to the fact that the technology world is a turbulent space and nothing is written in stone. Competition will ultimately curb apple’s product line and due to the fact that Steve Jobs has died the company will lose its way. The company will then slowly burn out and with no superstar CEO to capture people’s attention it becomes like another Microsoft. Big and bloated! The stock may slowly move and volatility dry up. Apple will not be able to keep up the pace of creativity in the years to come due to massive competition by Google, Microsoft, Samsung and everybody else. People tend to forget Steve Jobs was a gem!


Result: I was correct AAPL took a beating towards the end of 2012 because of future stability in earnings. I felt AAPL became a runaway stock and reality has set in a bit to create a great buying opportunity currently available at the 500 area!!

Surprise No 6: Google Looses to Facebook

The Google+ product will ultimately fail as compared to Facebook. The world doesn’t need another social networking site. We already have another twenty that have died. The growth will eventually flat line and the product will just be another tool from Google. If Google cannot clearly make it stand out against Facebook with unique features it will die a slow death. Google is starting to worry that Facebook will take market share so is beginning to compete in order to preserve their position as the search leader. Google will ultimately win in the Mobile space because it’s clearly more abundant and device friendly. Google likes to share profits and Apple does not! The exclusivity of apple model is what will work against it in the long term. Google will have major problems with the multiple versions of the Android platform. This will create a problem for developers. 

Result: I was correct GOOG did not take over any market share from Facebook and its social networking was dead on arrival as expected. But I was partly wrong on the death of mobile growth I now think Google has gained strength in the mobile market. Mobile is still growing.

Surprise No 7: Twitter takes over

Twitter will continue to grow and will be an integral part of all types of message exchanging mechanisms for social media and reporting. The company will probably propose an IPO and will be a very successful IPO once launched. Twitter is a very valuable tool and will continue to dominate the internet space. It is allot more valuable than most people realize. The endless possibilities to its uniqueness will make it the next major IPO since GOOGLE. I prefer Twitter over Facebook.

Result: I was correct Twitter has continued to do well and will go IPO in 2013.

Surprise No 8: Groupon, Linked IN, Zynga

All these babies will ultimately loose 30-50% of valuation. The business models for Groupon, Linked IN, and Zynga are terribly flawed. These companies hardly make a real profit and if I had to pick one out of these three to bet on I would possibly pick Zynga. The space for online gaming is young but I doubt Zynga will be the market leader of this space. The problem with groupon is it has major competition from and many others. Link-In is a great site for information about people but doesn’t really return any real cash.

Result: I was correct Zynga and Groupon turned out to be trash but Linked In actually turned into a pretty good stock. It’s the Facebook for resumes and business.

Surprise No 9: Heavy 3D Gaming goes Mobile

I see major advances in hardware that online social gaming will become heavy in graphics and power. This may be the beginning of the Mobile 3D gaming world. Sony will possibly release a device for 4G LTE with heavy 3D capabilities as well as Microsoft and Nintendo. Apple and Android will also be the early leaders of this new space. N-Vidia will supply the technology for the graphics processors. The world will now transform from 3D heavy consoles to 3D heavy mobile devices.

Result: I was correct that more people are moving towards mobile gaming on hardware 3D. Sony unveiled a mobile platform a device and the I-Phone supports new 3D hardware. This industry is still about to expand big time.


Surprise No 10: Electric cars take charge

I see a major bull market setting up for the electric car space. There will be a huge opportunity in the electric car space because we have so many new products coming to the table. The vehicles will be so valuable that auto makers and dealers will do very well in the years to come. These cars will be gobbled up by people who live in the cities. The automakers will struggle to keep up with demand for the electric cars they produce. This will be one of the legs that will help revitalize America in the next 10 years. This space is a huge goldmine. The Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius will be the leaders. If USA allows BYG to import their vehicles here it will be a market leader as well. Finally Warren Buffett will make 800-1000% return on his BYG investment if that scenario occurs.

Result: I was correct but due to more supply of oil found recently in America the change-over to other energy forms has slowed. This means that it will take longer for these new products to become main stream.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

CL -186.5 for Apr 2012

Long clk2 107.25
add 106.00
My Avg was 106.62

Rolled Oil
clm2 long103.00
Closed clk2 sell 102.5575

Exited all 106.23

Lossed -2260 on trade
Lossed -700 on option hedge
Lossed -1700 on roll

Made +1000 on +50 cent scalp first week of april
 Total loss -3730 (186.5 x 2 contracts) ticks for month of april. Got stucked in market because I added way too early and it screwed up the whole trade. I should have never added at 106.. the correct add was 102... and it would have been an easy trade to get out of!

CL -186.5 x (2c) for Apr 2012