Thursday, March 31, 2011

QM +80


I made +40 on first trade
+10 scalp
+20 scalp
+10 scalp



also had a b/e -2.5 ticks

i dont count any thing less than 10 cents a loss or a gain

35/40 winners

QM +100

today i nailed mkt

went long, it bust lower i added! reversal!


31/36 winners

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

QM -55

I lossed on both trades today

kept a holder overnite

first loss -35
second -20

= -55


29/34 winners

QM +40

I made +40 on qm today

2/3 trades


Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stuck Short

I am short NQ at 2250 for tgt 2225 area

Then it went up I added 2260

It went even higher due to a big time buying spree and I added at 2282

I am in 3c and sad because my swing long I supposed to have since last week thursday I closed like a moron. I need to always pay attention to the primary term trend. The secondary term needs to go short for me to b/e. I have no longer term trend trades, 3c short term trend. Hoping to see secondary term come in soon to load up on primary trend again.


Im down -2620

my avg 2263.33333 area

NQ +20

I went short on nq for my downside tgt and it hit

got out early

2245 was tgt, 2255 was entry on 2 contracts

10 x 2 = 20 pt gain


QM +75

I took 3 trades

first b/e - was angry got stopped out from a great gain

second same thing, got greedy and took +25 stop

and final made +50 cents

2 wins 1 b/e



QM +57.50

I took 2 trades and made +57.50 on qm



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NQ +10

I re-entered short to 2245 area

got in at 2363.75 and covered for +10

Another quick scalp to 2245 area,

will re-short later


QM +40

I shorted qm 104.65 covered +40


NQ +9.50

I made +9 on nq after shorting 2268.75
tgt 2245

I took quick profit on spike up in Over night

+9.50 stop out

will reshort later


Monday, March 21, 2011

NQ +145

I made +145 after my friday big time long of 3C at 2220 area.

Banks are buying all day friday and kept for gap up over libya fight!



Saturday, March 19, 2011

NQ -75

I got out all 6 contracts on thursday at 2345 loosing -12.50 a contract

I took a total loss of -75

This is a temp exit because system said to get out or hedge short. I got out and rebought lower at 2220 x3. I will add again. $-1500


13/14 winners

QM +97.50

I made +97.50 on 1 trade friday



QM +30

I made +30 on a trade thursday



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

QM +170

I nailed oil today

I went long 98.425 and it crashed, i added 97.425

got out +140

Went long again later on

97.90 and covered +30


Good day! Destroyed oil Best day ever!


Out Hedge ES +14.50

I shorted yesterday at 68 and 62 covered +14.50

My hedges were great because im holding a -100 pt looser on NQ~! :(


I have hedged back +4125 on this 2nd hedge!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stuck Long

The worst has occured

I am stucked long nq 2310, 2315 and 2320

I had to hedge es 1310 2c

Waiting for break even!@!

the pivot of 2365 was never hit I need to find a way to hedge on swings!!

So far down -130 around $-7800.00 :( :(

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

QM +55

long oil 105.25 stopped -15
note: right before 10:30 oil report

long 104.40 +30

short 104.95 +40

+55 for day

17/19 winners

NQ +12.50

I covere 1/2 my long on nq from 2310 area.

I had a 2315 long as well and covered at 27.50

I am accumulating now!


13/13 winners

NQ +20

I shorted NQ at 2330 and covered 2310


12/12 winners

NQ +16.25

I shorted nq at 2342.25 and covered 2326

+ 16.25

11/11 winners

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

QM +75

I went long oil made +45

I went short qm at 104.90 and took +5

I went short qm at 105.05 and took +25

+75 for day

3/3 day

15/16 winners

NQ +31

I went long on nq 3x yesterday during selloff to close with a +31

my tgt was 67 and i got out 41 because i became bearish

long nq 2364
added 2344.5
added nq +2310.25

10/10 winners

Monday, March 7, 2011

NQ +24.50

I made +24.50 on NQ long over the weekend from friday morning long

Awesome trade

9/9 winners

QM -105

I lossed 105 today because I lossed -1.50 on a stupid short over night when the inverse correlation between us and oil break down!!

Its odd this relationship breaks down and screwed up my trade. I should have never kept any positions over night becuase ds did not give the signal to do so!! Idiot move

- kick my self

Note: DS did not trigger entry, It was me!! stupid

I went long and took a +45 gain on a early morning trade


12/13 winners

Sunday, March 6, 2011

QM +100

QM +100

shorted oil 103.95
out +30

pending short 103.80
out oil b/e

[3/4/2011 12:45:03 PM] marlon: shorted oil 104.125
[3/4/2011 12:45:50 PM] marlon: 103.70 tgt
[3/4/2011 1:01:44 PM] marlon: +55 for day

reshorted oil 104.15

+100 for today

11/11 winners

NQ +20

I made +400 on es and converted the long to nq which is 20 pts

I went long es 1313 to 1321 = +8 friday

8/8 winners

NQ +42

im short nq 2362
added short 2370

my first short tgt
on nq

NQ +42

7/7 winners

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

QM +90

6/6 trades so far 100%
4 today
2 yesterday

[9:49:54 AM] borisfen11a0812: short oil 100.6
[10:00:52 AM] marluv: gm
[10:08:49 AM] borisfen11a0812: oil should hit 99.8
[10:29:05 AM] borisfen11a0812: oil stuck
[10:31:35 AM] marluv: hmm
[10:31:42 AM] marluv: my indicator just starting rtunning
[10:31:45 AM] marluv: again i woke up late
[10:31:47 AM] marluv: my tooth hurts
[10:31:48 AM] marluv: man
[10:31:49 AM] marluv: i dunno
[10:31:53 AM] marluv: from expo i was biting hard candy
[10:32:00 AM] marluv: and it did something on my nerve
[10:32:23 AM] borisfen11a0812: oh :(
[10:32:35 AM] borisfen11a0812: do you have chamomile tea?
[10:32:46 AM] marluv: no
[10:33:20 AM] borisfen11a0812: okey then warm up cup of water and put 1-2 tea spoons of salt
[10:33:44 AM] borisfen11a0812: then try to take water on the sick tooth
[10:33:51 AM] borisfen11a0812: and hold for 1-3m
[10:33:59 AM] borisfen11a0812: it should help quick
[10:34:34 AM] borisfen11a0812: or baking soda with salt and do same
[10:34:48 AM] borisfen11a0812: it should calm down nerve
[10:38:03 AM] marluv: i looked for cavities
[10:38:04 AM] marluv: and found 0
[10:38:06 AM] marluv: so odd
[10:38:09 AM] marluv: im scared
[10:38:14 AM] marluv: i dont like dentists
[10:38:27 AM] borisfen11a0812: i hate them too
[10:38:47 AM] borisfen11a0812: it just a nerve
[10:39:03 AM] borisfen11a0812: somtime quick changes in weather i feel same
[10:39:17 AM] marluv: no
[10:39:19 AM] marluv: it was that etrade
[10:39:21 AM] marluv: candy
[10:39:22 AM] marluv: it was so hard
[10:39:24 AM] borisfen11a0812: since aging people very sensitive to weather swing
[10:39:25 AM] marluv: when i bit it
[10:39:32 AM] marluv: it was pulling my tooth from the root
[10:39:40 AM] marluv: so i kept biting hard to break it up
[10:39:47 AM] marluv: during john carter talk
[10:40:28 AM] borisfen11a0812: try salt with baking soda
[10:40:41 AM] borisfen11a0812: it will stop pain in 5min
[10:43:32 AM] borisfen11a0812: covered oil 99.8 +.8
[10:43:45 AM] borisfen11a0812: was based on volume profile
[10:43:48 AM] marluv: u made 80 ticks?
[10:43:56 AM] marluv: good
[10:43:57 AM] borisfen11a0812: y on qm
[10:52:02 AM] borisfen11a0812:
[10:54:17 AM] marluv: sweeeeeeet
[10:54:56 AM] borisfen11a0812: need a code
[10:54:59 AM] borisfen11a0812: for tos
[10:55:11 AM] marluv: nah
[10:55:15 AM] marluv: tos datafeed sucks
[10:55:19 AM] borisfen11a0812: true
[10:55:21 AM] marluv: only ninja can do that properly
[10:55:31 AM] borisfen11a0812: they dont have main
[10:55:38 AM] borisfen11a0812: bid volume and ask volume
[10:55:57 AM] borisfen11a0812: even IB has it
[10:56:14 AM] marluv: ah hah
[10:56:51 AM] borisfen11a0812: im only keeping tos because market profile and historical charts
[10:56:58 AM] borisfen11a0812: intraday TOS useless
[10:57:09 AM] marluv: ok
[11:00:08 AM] borisfen11a0812: i wanted to buy new IPAD2 or motorila xoom tablet but damn its a so expensive
[11:00:18 AM] marluv: how much?
[11:00:32 AM] borisfen11a0812: it cost more then $800
[11:01:02 AM] marluv: thats a new computer
[11:01:03 AM] marluv: laptop
[11:01:10 AM] marluv: my bro just bought 398 laptop
[11:01:13 AM] marluv: windows 7
[11:01:14 AM] marluv: kick ass
[11:01:49 AM] borisfen11a0812: yes ive better buy netbook for $300
[11:02:07 AM] marluv: netbook suck
[11:02:10 AM] borisfen11a0812: ?
[11:02:15 AM] marluv: no cd rom or dvd
[11:02:19 AM] borisfen11a0812: oh
[11:02:29 AM] marluv: when u get a virus
[11:02:30 AM] marluv: u fucked
[11:03:13 AM] borisfen11a0812: true
[11:03:18 AM] borisfen11a0812: same with ipad
[11:03:18 AM] marluv: u have to buy external drive to reinstall windows
[11:03:46 AM] marluv: + screen tiny
[11:03:54 AM] marluv: my bro got 18 inch screen
[11:12:33 AM] borisfen11a0812: im short 100.7
[11:37:11 AM] marluv: bad short
[11:37:13 AM] marluv: ds was narrow
[11:37:15 AM] marluv: all this time
[11:45:01 AM] borisfen11a0812: ok im stoped 101.9
[12:36:49 PM] borisfen11a0812: im long oil 101.7
[12:56:04 PM] marluv: im long
[12:56:08 PM] marluv: 101.45
[12:57:04 PM] marluv: tgt 102
[1:12:34 PM] marluv: out
[1:12:43 PM] marluv: +20
[1:18:28 PM] marluv: i missed short at
[1:18:34 PM] marluv: 102.19
[1:18:44 PM] borisfen11a0812: k
[1:39:08 PM] borisfen11a0812: 102 out
[1:39:18 PM] marluv: good
[1:40:53 PM] marluv: oil wont stop rallying
[1:41:00 PM] marluv: 115 next
[1:41:55 PM] marluv: 103.5 area
[1:41:58 PM] marluv: they want
[1:43:24 PM] marluv: i shorted 102.10
[1:48:07 PM] marluv: 101.65 tgt
[2:01:03 PM] marluv: come on oil
[2:01:05 PM] marluv: tank!!
[2:01:09 PM] marluv: u peice of over manipulated shit
[2:06:49 PM] marluv: GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
[2:06:58 PM] marluv: I fucking rules this market
[2:08:41 PM] *** borisfen11a0812 sent Greenshot_2011-03-02_14-08-33.png ***
[2:08:46 PM] borisfen11a0812: accept
[2:09:21 PM] marluv: woah
[2:09:23 PM] marluv: HOTTTTT
[2:09:31 PM] borisfen11a0812: i know options levels now :)
[2:09:45 PM] marluv: now this is impressive
[2:09:50 PM] marluv: what platform is that?
[2:09:57 PM] borisfen11a0812: hehehehehehehe
[2:09:59 PM] borisfen11a0812: IB
[2:10:08 PM] borisfen11a0812: has now own charts with options
[2:10:21 PM] marluv: watch it ok
[2:10:23 PM] marluv: keep ur eye on it
[2:10:40 PM] borisfen11a0812: i know now when true options spike
[2:13:32 PM] marluv: sweet setup
[2:15:56 PM] marluv: out
[2:16:01 PM] marluv: +40
[2:16:07 PM] marluv: +60 for day
[2:16:07 PM] marluv: :)
[2:17:09 PM] marluv: 4/4 100 % winners
[2:17:11 PM] marluv: since new indicator
[2:17:31 PM] borisfen11a0812: molodez :)
[2:17:37 PM] borisfen11a0812: godd boy
[2:17:44 PM] borisfen11a0812: good
[2:23:39 PM] marluv: reshorted 102.20
[2:23:49 PM] borisfen11a0812: oh boy
[2:26:10 PM] borisfen11a0812: dont worry options on my charts shows short too
[2:27:40 PM] marluv: out +20
[2:27:53 PM] marluv: 5/5 +80 cents for day
[2:28:44 PM] marluv: reshorted 102.20
[2:29:36 PM] borisfen11a0812: you did good today
[2:35:36 PM] marluv: is oil closed?
[2:37:16 PM] marluv: out +10
[2:37:20 PM] marluv: +90 for day
[2:37:22 PM] marluv: 6/6
[2:37:23 PM] borisfen11a0812: k
[2:38:08 PM] marluv: if es break up now
[2:38:11 PM] marluv: we will head to 1330 area
[2:38:34 PM] marluv: and oil will tank
[2:38:42 PM] marluv: like crazie
[2:41:53 PM] marluv: paper has been secretly buying
[2:42:00 PM] marluv: periodically

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

QM +90

I made 90 ticks on oil today!

2 shorts

short 99 covered +30
- no energy test

shorted 89.95 covered +55
- no energy test

The energy on ds was weaker on move back up!