Wednesday, March 2, 2011

QM +90

6/6 trades so far 100%
4 today
2 yesterday

[9:49:54 AM] borisfen11a0812: short oil 100.6
[10:00:52 AM] marluv: gm
[10:08:49 AM] borisfen11a0812: oil should hit 99.8
[10:29:05 AM] borisfen11a0812: oil stuck
[10:31:35 AM] marluv: hmm
[10:31:42 AM] marluv: my indicator just starting rtunning
[10:31:45 AM] marluv: again i woke up late
[10:31:47 AM] marluv: my tooth hurts
[10:31:48 AM] marluv: man
[10:31:49 AM] marluv: i dunno
[10:31:53 AM] marluv: from expo i was biting hard candy
[10:32:00 AM] marluv: and it did something on my nerve
[10:32:23 AM] borisfen11a0812: oh :(
[10:32:35 AM] borisfen11a0812: do you have chamomile tea?
[10:32:46 AM] marluv: no
[10:33:20 AM] borisfen11a0812: okey then warm up cup of water and put 1-2 tea spoons of salt
[10:33:44 AM] borisfen11a0812: then try to take water on the sick tooth
[10:33:51 AM] borisfen11a0812: and hold for 1-3m
[10:33:59 AM] borisfen11a0812: it should help quick
[10:34:34 AM] borisfen11a0812: or baking soda with salt and do same
[10:34:48 AM] borisfen11a0812: it should calm down nerve
[10:38:03 AM] marluv: i looked for cavities
[10:38:04 AM] marluv: and found 0
[10:38:06 AM] marluv: so odd
[10:38:09 AM] marluv: im scared
[10:38:14 AM] marluv: i dont like dentists
[10:38:27 AM] borisfen11a0812: i hate them too
[10:38:47 AM] borisfen11a0812: it just a nerve
[10:39:03 AM] borisfen11a0812: somtime quick changes in weather i feel same
[10:39:17 AM] marluv: no
[10:39:19 AM] marluv: it was that etrade
[10:39:21 AM] marluv: candy
[10:39:22 AM] marluv: it was so hard
[10:39:24 AM] borisfen11a0812: since aging people very sensitive to weather swing
[10:39:25 AM] marluv: when i bit it
[10:39:32 AM] marluv: it was pulling my tooth from the root
[10:39:40 AM] marluv: so i kept biting hard to break it up
[10:39:47 AM] marluv: during john carter talk
[10:40:28 AM] borisfen11a0812: try salt with baking soda
[10:40:41 AM] borisfen11a0812: it will stop pain in 5min
[10:43:32 AM] borisfen11a0812: covered oil 99.8 +.8
[10:43:45 AM] borisfen11a0812: was based on volume profile
[10:43:48 AM] marluv: u made 80 ticks?
[10:43:56 AM] marluv: good
[10:43:57 AM] borisfen11a0812: y on qm
[10:52:02 AM] borisfen11a0812:
[10:54:17 AM] marluv: sweeeeeeet
[10:54:56 AM] borisfen11a0812: need a code
[10:54:59 AM] borisfen11a0812: for tos
[10:55:11 AM] marluv: nah
[10:55:15 AM] marluv: tos datafeed sucks
[10:55:19 AM] borisfen11a0812: true
[10:55:21 AM] marluv: only ninja can do that properly
[10:55:31 AM] borisfen11a0812: they dont have main
[10:55:38 AM] borisfen11a0812: bid volume and ask volume
[10:55:57 AM] borisfen11a0812: even IB has it
[10:56:14 AM] marluv: ah hah
[10:56:51 AM] borisfen11a0812: im only keeping tos because market profile and historical charts
[10:56:58 AM] borisfen11a0812: intraday TOS useless
[10:57:09 AM] marluv: ok
[11:00:08 AM] borisfen11a0812: i wanted to buy new IPAD2 or motorila xoom tablet but damn its a so expensive
[11:00:18 AM] marluv: how much?
[11:00:32 AM] borisfen11a0812: it cost more then $800
[11:01:02 AM] marluv: thats a new computer
[11:01:03 AM] marluv: laptop
[11:01:10 AM] marluv: my bro just bought 398 laptop
[11:01:13 AM] marluv: windows 7
[11:01:14 AM] marluv: kick ass
[11:01:49 AM] borisfen11a0812: yes ive better buy netbook for $300
[11:02:07 AM] marluv: netbook suck
[11:02:10 AM] borisfen11a0812: ?
[11:02:15 AM] marluv: no cd rom or dvd
[11:02:19 AM] borisfen11a0812: oh
[11:02:29 AM] marluv: when u get a virus
[11:02:30 AM] marluv: u fucked
[11:03:13 AM] borisfen11a0812: true
[11:03:18 AM] borisfen11a0812: same with ipad
[11:03:18 AM] marluv: u have to buy external drive to reinstall windows
[11:03:46 AM] marluv: + screen tiny
[11:03:54 AM] marluv: my bro got 18 inch screen
[11:12:33 AM] borisfen11a0812: im short 100.7
[11:37:11 AM] marluv: bad short
[11:37:13 AM] marluv: ds was narrow
[11:37:15 AM] marluv: all this time
[11:45:01 AM] borisfen11a0812: ok im stoped 101.9
[12:36:49 PM] borisfen11a0812: im long oil 101.7
[12:56:04 PM] marluv: im long
[12:56:08 PM] marluv: 101.45
[12:57:04 PM] marluv: tgt 102
[1:12:34 PM] marluv: out
[1:12:43 PM] marluv: +20
[1:18:28 PM] marluv: i missed short at
[1:18:34 PM] marluv: 102.19
[1:18:44 PM] borisfen11a0812: k
[1:39:08 PM] borisfen11a0812: 102 out
[1:39:18 PM] marluv: good
[1:40:53 PM] marluv: oil wont stop rallying
[1:41:00 PM] marluv: 115 next
[1:41:55 PM] marluv: 103.5 area
[1:41:58 PM] marluv: they want
[1:43:24 PM] marluv: i shorted 102.10
[1:48:07 PM] marluv: 101.65 tgt
[2:01:03 PM] marluv: come on oil
[2:01:05 PM] marluv: tank!!
[2:01:09 PM] marluv: u peice of over manipulated shit
[2:06:49 PM] marluv: GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
[2:06:58 PM] marluv: I fucking rules this market
[2:08:41 PM] *** borisfen11a0812 sent Greenshot_2011-03-02_14-08-33.png ***
[2:08:46 PM] borisfen11a0812: accept
[2:09:21 PM] marluv: woah
[2:09:23 PM] marluv: HOTTTTT
[2:09:31 PM] borisfen11a0812: i know options levels now :)
[2:09:45 PM] marluv: now this is impressive
[2:09:50 PM] marluv: what platform is that?
[2:09:57 PM] borisfen11a0812: hehehehehehehe
[2:09:59 PM] borisfen11a0812: IB
[2:10:08 PM] borisfen11a0812: has now own charts with options
[2:10:21 PM] marluv: watch it ok
[2:10:23 PM] marluv: keep ur eye on it
[2:10:40 PM] borisfen11a0812: i know now when true options spike
[2:13:32 PM] marluv: sweet setup
[2:15:56 PM] marluv: out
[2:16:01 PM] marluv: +40
[2:16:07 PM] marluv: +60 for day
[2:16:07 PM] marluv: :)
[2:17:09 PM] marluv: 4/4 100 % winners
[2:17:11 PM] marluv: since new indicator
[2:17:31 PM] borisfen11a0812: molodez :)
[2:17:37 PM] borisfen11a0812: godd boy
[2:17:44 PM] borisfen11a0812: good
[2:23:39 PM] marluv: reshorted 102.20
[2:23:49 PM] borisfen11a0812: oh boy
[2:26:10 PM] borisfen11a0812: dont worry options on my charts shows short too
[2:27:40 PM] marluv: out +20
[2:27:53 PM] marluv: 5/5 +80 cents for day
[2:28:44 PM] marluv: reshorted 102.20
[2:29:36 PM] borisfen11a0812: you did good today
[2:35:36 PM] marluv: is oil closed?
[2:37:16 PM] marluv: out +10
[2:37:20 PM] marluv: +90 for day
[2:37:22 PM] marluv: 6/6
[2:37:23 PM] borisfen11a0812: k
[2:38:08 PM] marluv: if es break up now
[2:38:11 PM] marluv: we will head to 1330 area
[2:38:34 PM] marluv: and oil will tank
[2:38:42 PM] marluv: like crazie
[2:41:53 PM] marluv: paper has been secretly buying
[2:42:00 PM] marluv: periodically

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