Thursday, February 2, 2012

Major Crash coming!

I see a major crash coming in the near future. Something is looming in the background to collapse this market big time. They are going to bring the NQ currently trading 2486 down to 2390 first the maybe a rally up back a bit and then lower.. I see NQ hitting 2200 and then 2048 eventually after many months of selling. There is going to be some really bad news hitting the tape either coming from USA, China or Europe.

It may be china slowing or a crash in the commercial real estate market. It may also come from Europe as Greek and a few other countries go default. I am not really sure where it comes from but I know that this market is a stack of dominos waiting to be knocked over. We will sell from 2500 to 2000 a -500 pt difference. We may also go lower.

Shiller is very bearish on the economy. He thinks we will sell each month for many months to come. My main guy is bullish. We need a flush for a major buying opportunity for the big bull rally into close this year. I have to keep eyes on the news.

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